Lesson Schedule

Students have private, one-on-one lessons with Kate at the same day and time each week. During the school year—unless otherwise noted—lessons are held at The Music Suite on Sundays and at Neuqua Valley High School’s Kathryn J. Birkett Freshman Center on Mondays through Thursdays. During the summer, lessons are held at The Music Suite on Sundays and at Neuqua Valley High School’s Main Campus on Mondays through Wednesdays. When Neuqua is closed, due to school holidays, concerts, and other events, lessons are held remotely, so that students’ schedules and progress remain as undisturbed as possible. This consistency is crucial to students’ continuing musical growth and development.

Below is the current studio lesson schedule. Scheduled lessons are in green and available lesson slots are in gray. Please reach out to schedule make-ups or to inquire about joining the studio. Ms. Kulzick currently has availability for new weeknight students.

And for those looking on their phones, here’s the lesson schedule in Agenda view: